Tournament is done, results are out. The elves are at work, until then enjoy the results from the last tournament…

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Last tournament…….

It took a few extra days to obtain a final list of players because of changes to the initial draw but in the end 41 members that showed up for the Craigslea tournament played for the whole weekend without anyone pulling out due to injury.

Once again we had a number of new players joining our ranks which was quite encouraging. It did however give our selection committee a bit of extra homework trying to allocate them in to equally, competitve teams.

The hall itself with the four courts proved to be large enough for our event, although 30 metres of black plastic was required to darken both sides of the hall as the shuttles were dificult to pick up during play against the white background behind the two centre courts. Some also found the line markings on the floor difficult to get used to.

Nonetheless, after the first day of play it became quite obvious that the “Forward Passes” team was going to be difficult to catch having come home with quite an impressive score.

As usual, a Social Dinner was organised for the Saturday night at the Kedron Wavil RSL club.

The Winning team the “Forward Passes”, with a point score of 1831

Good food and great company made for a very enjoyable evening.

Sunday morning, with players that didn’t have a bye, soon got into the thick of it and any aching muscles and sore joints were soon forgotten in an endeavour to catch the leading team. Unfortunately it was to no avail as the “Forward Passes”romped home with a high score of 1831. 97 points below that saw the “Try Hards” coming in second with a score of 1734.

Like last tournament prizes were awarded for the first and second placegetters which will be the norm for future tournaments. It was also decided that free beverages and lunches will be provided to those attending our future tournaments and to this end a small electric BBQ wil be purchased for those who prefer a hot snack for lunch.

See you all at St Ursula’s College in Toowoomba 15th – 16th of August

Second placegetters, The “Try Hards”, with a point score of 1734