Decisions, decisions! To go or not to go? What is Oma going to do? Finally it was decided to go ahead and hope that we don’t get washed out as has happened previously. For once it was the right decision and who would’ve known there was a cyclone around at all as Saturday morning was clear as a bell.
The team names for the weekend were not that suitable fortunately, as the hot weather stayed away as well as the rain and it was looking good for the weekend’s competition.
There were about seven new players welcomed to the tournament by Errol, standing in for President Phil and hopefully they all enjoyed the format and will return again
Games went smoothly on Saturday, with quite a few being very close, so on the whole the new players were placed on the right line and we finished in plenty of time for 17 of us to get glammed up and go to the Asian Restaurant for dinner. As always, the meals were delicious and everyone enjoyed themselves. Nice to talk to people when we’re not hot and sweaty and getting interrupted having to go off and play or umpire a game.
Sunday morning saw some replacement players arrive for those who could only play Saturday as well as Peter Wilton requiring a fill in after injuring his knee in the last game Saturday. Mike Rogers did this admirably since he didn’t play Saturday and was full of energy, to start with at least.
Games were stopped at midday so the AGM could be held before everyone disappeared for the day. The main committee members remain the same, that is: President Phil Pycroft; Vice President Errol Vickers; Secretary John Ursem; Treasurer Graham Kiff and committee members are Simone Edmondson, Doug Manser, Karina McMeeken, Bev Ursem, Tristan Rogers, Klaus War and Sumit Puri.
At the end of the day, players gathered around to find out how their teams fared after a busy weekend and which team was going to win the Liam O’Kane Trophy this time. There was only 238 points between first and last, which is not a lot when so many games (180 by my calculation) are played. Burned came in fourth with 2852, Scorchers third with 2909, Hotties second with 2976 and the winners were Hot Stuff with 3090.
After prizes were awarded and the obligatory photos taken for the web site, players and families packed up and hopefully had a safe trip back home, while the new committee had another meeting to decide the tournament dates and venues for the rest of the year, which are shown elsewhere on this site.
Hopefully see you all at the next one.
Bev Ursem