28th November 2020

The 48 players who turned up for the last tournament of this most unusual year weren’t sure what to expect at this new venue. One thing was for sure, it would be hot in the complex.

First impressions were: Which lines do we use? Yellow was the main colour, but sometimes it became black and other places it was white where they were part of the lines for other sports, but once we started playing it didn’t seem to matter. A small problem for umpires were the yellow lines on the light coloured floor, as it was a bit hard to see if the shuttle was in or out, especially where it was a bit glary from the louvres up the wall, but the players seemed to know, so that was all good.

The floor itself was deceptive, looking as though it would be slippery, but looks can be deceiving as it was fine.

Santa came early to ‘Santa’ Puri’s team, the Turkeys, who gobbled up the opposition and scored 2586. The Gooses weren’t far behind on 2576, followed by the Puddings on 2401 and coming in fourth were the Crackers on 2306. Since it was the Christmas tournament, every player received a gift, so all those players who couldn’t wait for the end may have missed out.

That also brings up the point that the last few games often don’t have any one left to umpire the games, so if you don’t have anything to rush off to, spare a thought for the other players, as they probably umpired for you sometime during the day and it would be a nice gesture to do the same for them.

Congratulations to Ted Wichanart for scoring the maximum points of 372.

Winning Team

2nd Place Team