The 4th tournament of the year saw us at a new venue at the Harristown State High School in Toowoomba. The venue turned out to be quite suitable for the occasion with both the lighting and floor performance. Even though the floor was concrete, the covering over the concrete presented hardly any problems with aching feet.
Yours truly was forced to pull out at the last minute and didn’t make the event at all forcing Bev to travel on her own to participate. Graham Bonnett was also forced to pull out during the Saturday morning’s event because of a muscle injury. A few adjustments to the draw to replace me and take care of Graham and the rest of the weekend went on without any further hitches.
Because of the low numbers (21 players in total) the normal comp was run on the Saturday and a scratch tournament put into place for the Sunday. Results for the Saturday’s event had the TOO’s as the “Run-Away” winners with several individual players achieving maximum points (186). Ulf Lundquist and Michael Austin scored 2 x maximums of 372 points. Things were closer with the WOO’s versus the MBA’s as you can see in the “head-to-head” clash with the MBA’s winning with a mere 2 points. The WOO’s played slightly better than the MBA’s against the TOO’s which resulted with them finishing in second place with the MBA’s a close third.
Ryan Tan one of our new players to participate in our tournaments, in action
With the scratch tournament on the Sunday Amanda Marchewa came out as the overall winner and Hizam second.
Saturday night’s social was held at Lenny’s home who organised a BBQ for everyone and from what I can gather it was a hoot!
All in all, despite the low numbers, the Toowoomba tournament was again quite a successful event with those who attended having a great time and enjoying the social atmosphere our tournaments are renowned for.
For all new players wishing to join in our tournaments please follow RULE 5 on our entry form relating to conditions of entry. It reads as follows:
“Enter as an individual. The BMAQ tournament committee will then place all entrants into teams of equal ability. Hence it is important to indicate either current grade played, level of experience or by reference to someone you know who plays with the Masters.”
To all players currently taking part in our tournaments please be reminded that in an endeavour to increase our numbers for each tournament I ask you all to make mention of our tournaments to your fellow badminton buddies who may not be aware of our events. Stress to them to indicate their skill level based on the above criteria if they want to participate. By encouraging them to come along and have a go it will make for a more exciting tournament.
Ryan Tan one of our new players to participate in our tournaments, in action
The Action
Present Committee
The present committee is as follows:
President – Graham Bonnett
Vice President – Errol Vickers
Secretary – John Ursem
Treasurer – Lynda Massey
QBA Rep – Ulf Lunquist
Committee Members – Phil Pycroft, Paula Edds, Lennie Rasmussen, Marion McNicol