20th-21st August 2016
Although low in number for a Brisbane event the Clayfield tournament saw the introduction of four new players whom from all acounts enjoyed the format we presented. Like last time we played at the Clayfield College, lighting of the hall was again an issue with one side of the court causing problems to see the shuttle clearly. If it wasn’t for this issue it would be a great hall to stage future tournaments as the floor, seating arrangements and kitchen facilities are excellent.
Commiserations to David Tester who, apart from having a problem finding the venue, injured himself during the 3rd session on the Saturday afternoon and was forced to withdraw for the remainder of the tournament. A number of fill-ins came to the rescue for ther remainder of the tournament. I am not sure how they pulled up after the weekend as the set number of games was 20 for all players so they would have played 25.
Saturday night saw a few of the players attend our planned social dinner with Chinese meals on the menu. Good conversation and company was the order of the night.
Sore bodies were soon forgotten after play commenced on the Sunday morning and it became quite evident that one of the newcomers to our events, Andrew Kinge, was leading his team. the Pollutants” to a decisive victory with a healthy margin ahead from the other four teams.
Final results for the weekend therefore was Gold for The Pollutants with 1780 points, Silver to The Green Algae with 1672 points, Bronze to The Robbers with 1643 points, Nearly last to The
Zikas with 1599 points and last to The Brazilians (Wooden Spooners) with 1567 points.