The first Bundaberg Masters’ tournament was held at the Bundaberg Christian College on the 1st and 2nd of October 2022.

We had 36 entries and players were selected into four teams. This tournament was named ‘A Taste of Bundy’ and the four teams were: the Bundaberg Rums, Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, Bundaberg Macadamias & Bundaberg Sugars.

Since the Bundaberg Sugars and Macadamias both scored 2265 points, the winning team was decided by their first-line players playing to one point, which was won by the Bundaberg Sugars. The third team was the Bundaberg Rums with 2059 and the fourth was the Bundaberg Brewed Drinks with 2009 points.

We have received lots of positive comments from the players and spectators, and also had a two-page media coverage by the local newspaper, Bundaberg Today.

We would also like to thank Marquis Macadamias for their kind donation.

The next tournament is to be at Nambour on the 19th and 20th November, entries are now open.

BMAQ Committee.


Action shots from the tournament (Courtesy: Solana Photography)