by BMAQ HelpDSupport | Jul 30, 2023 | June 2023
The 10th of June was World Gin Day and therefore, the teams were named accordingly. We had 44 entries. The winning team was the Tonics with 1919 points Second was the Fizzes with 1855 points Third was the Martinis with 1714 points & Fourth was the Slings with 1597...
by BMAQ HelpDSupport | Apr 23, 2023 | April 2023
The second, ‘World Art Day’ tournament this year was held at the Eagles Sports Complex in Brisbane. We had 44 entries, which included six new players. Special thanks to Ashawani Soni, CEO of HOLISTIC HOME CARE for their generous sponsorship and support of...
by BMAQ HelpDSupport | Mar 12, 2023 | 2023, February 2023
The first 2023 tournament was held at the usual venue of the Sunshine Coast Badminton Centre in Nambour and it was named National Fairytale Day Tournament. We had 40 entries and nobody pulled out, due to injury or other commitments. The 40 players were allocated into...
by BMAQ HelpDSupport | Dec 26, 2022 | 2022, November
SANTA’S GROUPIES was our 6th and final tournament of 2022. There were 44 entries and we welcomed 3 NEW players (Dave Wood; Sabu Sebatian; Thi Mon Luong) and welcomed the return of 4 very keen players from Bundy and Rockhampton who had their initial taste of BMAQ...
by BMAQ HelpDSupport | Oct 26, 2022 | 2022, October
The first Bundaberg Masters’ tournament was held at the Bundaberg Christian College on the 1st and 2nd of October 2022. We had 36 entries and players were selected into four teams. This tournament was named ‘A Taste of Bundy’ and the four teams were:...