COLD indeed – The teams were aptly named Icicles; Snowflakes; Freeezers; Frosties.
Indeed, it was a very cold start to the Sunday play – Saturday was just mildly cold!
The tournament was run with a couple more protocols in pace with BMAQ’s COVID Safe plan. Face masks worn when not on court – Qld Check In App for the venue.
Entries from 42 players – with 4 players finding their own ‘partner’ to share a spot with. Four teams of 10 players.
Full-time players played 15 games during the weekend including the ever popular cross-over games with players on their Line, and against other players on their Line. Usually very close games in the head-to-head cross-overs!
AND, Warming Prizes for ALL players . . . .
The winning team was the Icicles with 2554 points.
Second place went to the Freeezers with 2530 points.
Third place was the Snowflakes with 2474 points.
In fourth place were the Frosties with 2373 points.
Check out the full details for our next 2021 Tournaments
REMINDER – ALL entries and Entry Forms to be e-mailed to
Hope to see you soon
BMAQ Committee.
Actions Shots from the Tournament (Photos courtesy John Ursem)