Results for the September Nambour Tournament

Results for the September Nambour Tournament

The Nambour Badminton Hall certainly proved to be a popular venue this year as our normal two events each year turned into three for 2017. Lack of suitable, affordable venues was the primary reason and if this persists it is certainly great to have a backup plan by...
Results for the July Redlands PCYC Tournament

Results for the July Redlands PCYC Tournament

Once again forty seems to be the magical number. Five teams with eight players in each set the ground work for another great weekend. It also allowed the organisers to introduce a bye for each team. Could be the reason why magical names were chosen for each team....
Results for the June Tallebudgera Tournament

Results for the June Tallebudgera Tournament

Winning team for the weekend were the Bev’s Bashers Another good roll up made the makings of a great tournament at the Tallebudgera Leisure Centre. Four teams with 10 players in each gave each contestant 15 games for the weekend. The organisers arranged to play...
Results for the 2017 May Nambour tournament

Results for the 2017 May Nambour tournament

The winning team for the May tournament was the May Poles ​The second tournament of the year was another great success although a few changes to the draw at the last minute including an injury suffered by Tony Giles during the frist game of the tournament had us...
2017 March Nambour Tournament

2017 March Nambour Tournament

The winning team for the March tournament was the Fake News Unfortunately the elves couldn’t get their act together and individual player tournament photos are not available this time. Keep enjoying the images put up for the November Nambour 2016 tournament. The...