Nambour February 2025: Action Shots & Final Team Placegetters Gallery
Nambour 23rd – 24th November 2024, tournament
The winning team was the Mocha with 2604 points.The second team was the Espresso with 2493 points.The third team was the Latte with 2364 points.The fourth team was the Cappuccino with 2351 points.
Bundaberg 5th – 6th October 2024, tournament
We had 32 entries for the 2nd Bundaberg tournament on October 5th and 6th, 2024. Robert Macartney's 463-point individual score was the highest, and the difference between the 1st and 4th Teams was 132 points. Basil Paul, Cindy Russell, Robert Macartney, and Adrian...
Craigslea 20-21 April 2024 points and player scores
We played back at Craigslea State High School Hall on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 April 2024. This month marked the 50th Anniversary since Abba won the Eurovision song contest. 39 people participated in the event including the one day players. The winners were the...
To the 8-9 June 2024 Nambour tournament:
World Oceans Day is celebrated every year on June 8th by the United Nations. So the aptly named BMAQ "Oceans" tournament was held at Nambour on the 8th and 9th June. With 32 player positions, the tournament had 4 teams of 8 players. Each 2 day player played 9 games...
To the 10-11 August Corinda State High School tournament.
We played at Corinda High School Hall on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August 2024. The Paris Olympic Games were coming to a close on those days so it was an opportunity to name our tournament "Not the Olympic Games"! 33 people participated in the event including the one...
The Nambour “National Lantern Festival” Tournament 24th-25th February 2024
The Magic (Lanterns) won with 2569 points. Each player in the "Magics" scored more than 400 points which averages out to almost 27 points per game. This includes the 1-day players on the calculation of the overall matches. The standout player for this team was Klaus...
DR WHO 60th Aniversary” Tournament Nambour 25-26 November 2023
The last BMAQ event of the year was the Dr Who 60th Anniversary tournament at the usual venue in Nambour on the 25th and 26th of November 2023. The first team was the Weeping Angels with 2034 points. The second team was the Daleks with 2001 points. The third team was...
The Stanthorpe Frutti Tutti Tournament 30th Sept – 1st Oct 2023
We played at Stanthorpe on Saturday 30th September and Sunday 1st October. The teams were named after the beautiful produce of the region courtesy of John Ursem. There were 22 people that participated in the event. As there was more time available to us due to the...
National Elephant Day Tournament Nambour 12-13 August 2023
The 12th of August was National Elephant Day and so the teams were named accordingly. There were 40 entries. The winners were Snuffleupaguses with a convincing 2591 points. The standout performance in this team was John Ursem with a perfect score of 465, winning all...
WORLD GIN DAY Tournament Sam’s Badminton 10 June 2023
The 10th of June was World Gin Day and therefore, the teams were named accordingly. We had 44 entries. The winning team was the Tonics with 1919 points Second was the Fizzes with 1855 points Third was the Martinis with 1714 points & Fourth was the Slings with 1597...
World Art Day Tournament Eagles MtGravatt 15-16 April 2023
The second, 'World Art Day' tournament this year was held at the Eagles Sports Complex in Brisbane. We had 44 entries, which included six new players. Special thanks to Ashawani Soni, CEO of HOLISTIC HOME CARE for their generous sponsorship and support of this event....
National Fairytale Day Tournament 2023 – Nambour 25-26 February 2023
The first 2023 tournament was held at the usual venue of the Sunshine Coast Badminton Centre in Nambour and it was named National Fairytale Day Tournament. We had 40 entries and nobody pulled out, due to injury or other commitments. The 40 players were allocated into...
SANTA’S GROUPIES – BMAQ Nambour 19th and 20th Nov 2022
SANTA’S GROUPIES was our 6th and final tournament of 2022. There were 44 entries and we welcomed 3 NEW players (Dave Wood; Sabu Sebatian; Thi Mon Luong) and welcomed the return of 4 very keen players from Bundy and Rockhampton who had their initial taste of BMAQ...
A Taste of Bundy Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd of October 2022
The first Bundaberg Masters' tournament was held at the Bundaberg Christian College on the 1st and 2nd of October 2022. We had 36 entries and players were selected into four teams. This tournament was named 'A Taste of Bundy' and the four teams were: the Bundaberg...
Nambour “Not the Commonwealth Games” Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th August 2022
Not The Commonwealth Games was our 4th tournament of 2022. Nambour is always a keen venue with its purpose-built hall and over the two days we had 40 keen players competing for a podium finish. We had some last-minute withdrawals due to illness and had to rely on...
Tallebudgera Tournament 11-12 June 22
Our third Tournament for 2022 The Queens Platinum Jubilee Tournament We hadn’t been to the Gold Coast for a few years so we were excited to travel south once again. It’s also the reason the 4 teams were named with the Gold Coast Theme At the team draw meeting the...
Craigslea Tournament 23-24 April 2022
Our second Tournament for 2022 The Weekend After Easter Tournament The 4 teams were named with the Easter Bunny Theme. At the team draw meeting the Saturday before the tournament, the draw worked out perfectly with 40 players, being 4 teams of 10 players. And then due...
BMAQ “FANTASTIC FOUR” Tournament – February 2022
The first tournament of the year ! The 4 teams were named after the characters in the Marvel series “Fantastic Four” At the team draw meeting the Saturday before the tournament, the team draw worked out perfectly with 40 players, being 4 teams of 10 players. YEA!! And...
BMAQ Nambour “Sisters are doin’ it for themselves” November 2021
The last tournament of 2021 – always a popular venue - originally a cap on entries of 48 was reached within 2 days!?! The entry limit was then increased to a maximum cap of 60. Teams were named after a certain Line of ladies in each team and the tournament took on the...