We played at Stanthorpe on Saturday 30th September and Sunday 1st October. The teams were named after the beautiful produce of the region courtesy of John Ursem.

There were 22 people that participated in the event. As there was more time available to us due to the smaller numbers, we had 2 cross-overs scheduled after each team event. The winners were Pear Shapes with 1685 points.

The standout performance for Pear Shapes was Gavin Wong with 534 points (3rd highest overall) and the highest cross-over points on line 2. He was ably supported by Graham Kiff (522 points) and Sweta Misra (519 points).

A close second on 1648 points (behind only by 37 points) were Grape Vines and the standout performance was Craig Boustead with 551 points (2nd highest overall) and the highest cross-overs on line 3. Supporting him was John Ursem on 522 points (highest cross-overs line 4) and Andrew King (Sat) with a good one-day performance and perfect cross-overs for that day.

Third were Apple Strudels on 1621 points (behind 2nd by a mere 27 points), led by Sumit Puri with the highest individual score overall with 552 points and highest cross-overs for line 1. Chad Anderson with 512 points and good cross-over tally also helped the team.

Fourth were Plum Jams with 1501 points and a good one day performance by Parvesh Gupta (Sat) and perfect cross-overs for that day.


BMAQ Committee

Action Shots from the Tournament (Courtesy: John Ursem)